Monday, January 14, 2013

BOOK REVIEW: "Beyonders, A World Without Heroes" by Brandon Mull

So, we got this book from the kids' section of Barnes & Noble. Jonathan had seen a review of it in his Boy's Life Magazine and we had read all of Mull's Fablehaven series. Plus, I like to know what my kids are reading. Plus, some youth & kids books are really fun reading (I still love reading A.A. Milne's books - he's hilarious!). So my first book of 2013 is the first installment of Beyonders.

I will agree with my son's assessment: Mull is perfecting his craft and Beyonders is better written than Fablehaven (even more so than Mull's "The Candy Wars" that we did NOT like at all). Still, I found it pretty formulaic of the youth hero quest books. Do not expect a whole lot of deep thinking here, though Mull's main message is obvious - Heroes do the right thing, even when inconvenient or even deadly. And there is my pet peeve - writing a series on purpose. I understand, sometimes whole thoughts cannot be contained in one book without making it a giant tome, but still, it drives me a little crazy. I've written series books, but not with the intent to do so, only because there was more story to be told. And you can tell which books say, "Hey, here's some more to think about!" and which you know from the start are going to be chopped into little pieces so you have to buy three books instead of one.

Mull pulls his heroes-in-the-making from two different parts of the country into a new world; one is a school athlete and the other a know-it-all homeschooler (we can relate) and makes them learn to get along to finish their quest and find a way home. I'll give it to the author, the quest's conclusion is not as it seems (spoiler: not a happy ending) and the end of the book finds one thrust back to his own world while the other remains, not knowing if her friend is dead or alive. And thus we wait for installment two.

Too, Mull throws in clues that will supposedly one time end in an explanation as to the strangeness of the two arrivals (known as Beyonders) to the fantasy world. Personally, I find it disconcerting to hint at something and not reveal it in the same volume (thus, you must read the other books in order to find out).

Okay, I'll stop being so hard. It's a book for older kids, it is fairly interesting, and brings up some points of value questions. My son is looking forward to the next book. That is a recommendation in itself.

Grade: B

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Really? Who is actually prepared to make drastic changes to their lives every 1st of January? Some of us think of it - and make humongous lists (finger pointed straight at myself here) - but when the time comes to get down to business, a chasm of indecision sits before you. For one, who likes to sit there and ponder "Where am I screwed up the most in my life?" That's always a topic of positive thinking. Then, if you are like me you know just how screwed up you are and it is so overwhelming because you have no idea where to start. I can't begin to tell you how many of my prayers have included in them..."Where do I start, Lord?" I am sure that if I could only put them in proper order, resolving and doing would go so much more smoothly. However, that little trick is still out of my reach.

There are people out there who think I'm perfect. I have a real hard time believing that one, unless they are blind and don't notice the elephantine steps of Garantua Woman passing by (Though, honestly, my little girl clops around the house like a tap-dancing mammoth, so I ought to re-evaluate that in myself. Maybe I'm not graceful. Decidedly, I'm not.). Of course I should consider that some people's ideas of perfection may differ greatly from mine. My ideas of perfection include being a few sizes smaller and developing a wider taste for all things vegetable whilst eschewing processed, sugary, floury things. Others probably are coveting my cookie-and-bread-making abilities. By the way, I think skinny hosts of food shows are hypocrites and heretics. At least with Paula Deen, you knew her curves correlated with her cooking.

Okay, so we know the lose weight/get healthy thing is on my list, somewhere. It's as daunting as the others...and as slippery. Because you know, the first time I'm really hungry or something so scrumptious as to be irresistible comes around, out the window that resolution flies! But I actually have a small strategy in place: my chiropractor is hosting a class & support program for weight loss and I'm going to the introductory class this month. If it's free (or very cheap) and will help, I figure I might have a better shot.

Other things...prayer and pondering. I don't know what it is about getting up in the morning, but my brain just doesn't kick-start without a shower and something in my tummy, and thus morning prayers don't occur to me. Until bedtime. And that is another guilt-tripper, because I am usually so tired by bedtime (because I stay up too late - another thing on my NY list) that prayers aren't very thought-filled. Now, so you aren't too scandalized, I do "think" prayers during the day as things come along. But big heart-to-hearts are rare and, considering how satisfying they are, it's sad.

Then comes the pondering. By nature, I am a thinker, an over-thinker many times if we want to be truthful (and we do). But serious pondering, which I think is the main key in a good spiritual relationship with God, that needs work. When it comes to wondering which goals to start with, I'm pretty certain that prayer and pondering should be at the top, because after that, things would probably fall into place.

I bet you are wondering how many things are actually on my list. The over-thinker will not disappoint you - about 63. Way too many! This is not completely my fault, I downloaded a book about organization that had 12 categories and you were supposed to write goals down for each category and of course I had several per. Afterwards I figured it was pretty nutty and self-defeating. There are things on there I know need to be done - they can go on a guilt-tripping to-do list (To-do lists haunt me like ghosts). I've narrowed things down to the final three "biggies." Tell me if you agree or would suggest something (if you don't think I'm perfect, "wink"):

Prayer & Pondering. Learn about better praying and better pondering from the scriptures and conference talks. Make a big sign with red letters in the bathroom reading MORNING PRAYER!!!! (Hey, it might work). Make a special time for prayer, study & pondering (I was thinking of changing my bedtime novel reading to this).

Healthy Me. I feel like I've already started somewhat when I started going to the chiropractor in August. I've made some changes but think I'm ready for more. First, I'll start off going to that class and see what they recommend. Then I will flesh out my plan (and not me) from there!

WRITE! Obviously, this little blog is a ploy to get this resolution going. I need to be a more consistent journal-er, and I do want to do some more creative writing (at least my daughter likes my stories!) and then...I promised my sister Wendy that I would set up a blog about going to Oklahoma (which we haven't yet, but that's all part of the story!). I'm calling it "CA Exodus...OK or Bust." I think when we actually get there (it will happen, it will!), I will change it to "California Okie," just because I think it sounds funny. It's a shameless plug, but if you want to read it, I'll give you the address for it. It'll mainly be for family and friends who want to keep in touch. I'll endeavor (because I'm not very good at it and it is not on my resolution list) to post pictures. I haven't been a very faithful blogger, which is a shame, because of all things, I think I could be.

Will I be faithful? That's the downer that hits us several weeks into each New Year and haunts us every 31st of December. Still, as one of our AP's said on my mission, "A goal not written down is just a dream." I dream a lot. And New Year's gives me (and others) a chance to more than dream, but do. It's better to start then never to try and by telling others (like you), you have people to support and be responsible to. That's some movitivation.

So...I hate resolutions, I don't look forward to each New Year's for them, but I recognize their value. To be honest, I think the NY thing is not as effective as my weekly life-review when I take the sacrament, because then I am focusing on the things I think God thinks is most important to change in myself. It's never "I don't need changing" but "where" or "how." Hopefully 2013 becomes a year of listening for the Divine and having the courage to make the changes that will take us where He wants us to go - which are always better places!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bookworms Unite!

I thought it would be a fun idea last year to keep track of all the books I'd read. At the end, I realized that this didn't include all of the articles, scriptures, magazines and books I'd read to my children. Still, I think it's a pretty impressive list. Not that I'd recommend them all, some were great disappointments. Maybe for 2013 I'll do little critiques. I did discover some new authors to like, as well, like Dean Koontz.


Title Author
Brother Thomas Dean Koontz
Michael Vey Richard Dean Evans
Middleworld J & P Voelkel
Blood Rites Jim Butcher
A Game of Thrones George R.R. Martin
Being George Washington Glenn Beck
Jacob T. Marley R. William Bennett
Furies of Calderon Jim Butcher
Academ's Fury Jim Butcher
Cursor's Fury Jim Butcher
Royal Secrets Traci Hunter Abramson
Captain's Fury Jim Butcher
Mort Terry Pratchett
Wyrd Sisters Terry Pratchett
Princep's Fury Jim Butcher
Increase in Learning David A. Bednar
High King of Montival S.M. Stirling
First Lord's Fury Jim Butcher
A Clash of Kings George R.R. Martin
Edenbrooke Julianne Donaldson
Friends & Foes Sarah M. Eden
Shadows & Secrets Chautona Havig
A Storm of Swords George R.R. Martin
Hogfather Terry Pratchett
Side Jobs Jim Butcher
Breathless Dean Koontz
Frankenstein: Prodigal Son Kevin J Anderson and Dean Koontz
Frankenstein: City of Night Ed Gorman and Dean Koontz
Confessions of a Shopaholic Sophie Kinsella
The Undomestic Goddess Sophie Kinsella
Still the Best Hope Dennis Prager
Earth Unaware Orson Scott Card
Crunch Time Diane Mott Davison
Twenties Girl Sophie Kinsella
Remember Me? Sophie Kinsella
Cloak James Gough
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Richard Carlson
Threads That Bind Brant Williams
Michael Vey: Rise of the Elgen Richard Dean Evans
Sisters in the Mix Joni Hilton

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011!

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Page 9

 It appears that Nature herself has taken a hand in my quest for personal improvement.  After years of abuse, my body has just about had it.  I have an injured knee (started on my mission), scoliosis (a back condition from my youth - I had to wear a brace for two years), high arches and plantar fasciatis (darn genetics!) and degenerative disc disease in my back and neck (WAY too young).  Couple all of that with being about 75 lbs. overweight (give or taken) and you have a recipe for constant pain and sabotaged ability.

In particular lately has been the occurrence of acid reflux disease.  I believe it was brought upon originally by the stress of my husband's immanent firing and "improved" upon by the consequential year of unemployment and job market destabilization.  There's more to that...but that's another story for another time.

This has forced my hand.  I've wanted to lose weight, but lacked a lot of the self control needed to achieve much.  My back and neck pain have really screamed for me to do something.  My knee has prevented walking, as have my foot problems.  And...well, I love food.  There are those who call it an addiction (must we be addicted to EVERYTHING?), and maybe it is.  But I love to cook, especially bake, creatively and my mouth craves flavor - as well as other things.  It took the stomach's revolt to bring all that to a screeching halt.

Waking up in the middle of the night with acid in your throat and lungs isn't just painful and annoying - it's scary.  Imagine not being able to breath while your throat and lungs are on fire.  Not a pleasant experience.

Without insurance to provide me with a doctor to consult, I had to turn to the internet for dietary guidelines.  Lots of information, but the best narrowed it down to three categories: Things to Avoid, Things to Eat Cautiously, and Things that are Okay to Eat.  And yes, the flavorful yummy things I love are on list #1.

Along with the food lists are recommendations: eat several small meals a day, drink lots of water, and don't eat at least 3 hours before bedtime.  I thought they would be difficult to adhere to (well, the water is easy, I always drink a lot), but so far that hasn't been the case.  The first few days I felt hungry with the small meals, but now eating a big meal makes me feel uncomfortable.  And if I eat what I shouldn't - Look Out!  I will be ill afterwards, guaranteed.  Willpower has now mutated into what can I tolerate.  Not much right now.

I still haven't got a perfect exercise regimen down yet.  I've been exercising in the pool with the kids as much as I could.  I would like very much to be able to do yoga again.  That always makes me feel so relaxed and stretches me out beautifully - my back loves it.  More than that is up in the air.  I need to get the knee strong so I can do yoga poses, and then hopefully build up enough strength to try other things.

And I hope...that this will bring down the stress levels.  A job for my husband wouldn't hurt, either. But until then, I have to do what I can to keep myself going.  There is pain in sitting for a long time, pain in laying down a long time, walking too much.  I want so much to reduce the pain!

It's never been about the being thin or looking sexy or whatever.  It's about the health.  And that is growing to be a more precious commodity as each day goes by.  

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

L.A. County Museum Trip January 2010

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